Safe and effective Botox procedures

Safe and effective Botox procedures

Safe and effective Botox procedures is quick and relatively painless. Your practitioner will begin by cleaning up the treatment area and asking you to make a few facial expressions so they can better map out the dynamic lines you want to target. They will then inject the targeted areas while applying light pressure on the skin. The whole session should take about 15 minutes.

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A lot of people worry about moving their face after getting Botox, but Dr. Zins says that doesn’t have a big effect on how the injection settles. It is important to avoid rubbing or massaging the injection sites, which could prompt the Botox to migrate to other areas of your face. Also, you should wait a minimum of four hours before exercising or using a steam room or sauna.

You might see a few small bruises in the injection area, which are caused when the needle inadvertently hits a blood vessel. You can reduce your chance of bruising by avoiding ibuprofen and aspirin for the day of your appointment, as well as taking Arnica pills beforehand.