Dream of dirty water usually indicates that you will experience some sort of challenge in your life. This may be a period of great dissatisfaction or even depression. This dream could also warn you of some impending problems that might affect your family, friends, or work. You may be surrounded by people who do not care about you or have malicious intents towards you. They might be using you as a pawn to get what they want.
Dream of dirty water suggests that you might soon come into contact with someone who does not treat you fairly or betrays your trust. The murkiness of the water in this dream symbolizes obscured truths, but it is important to remember that just like silt in the water, these matters will eventually clear up and leave you with greater clarity.
lent Waters of the Mind: Interpreting the Meaning Behind Dreams Involving Dirty Water
Alternatively, dreaming of dirty river water could suggest that you are feeling overwhelmed with negative energy or emotions and have difficulty maintaining your balance. It may be time to distance yourself from those things that drain your energy and focus on those things that nourish it. Much like clean water reviving a wilting plant, this will rejuvenate your spirit.
Finally, dreaming of contaminated water in a swimming pool indicates that you are letting your personal and professional relationships devolve into a toxic environment. This is a sign that you need to make changes in your current situations before it’s too late. The good news is that just like cleaning the water with soap, the positive changes you make now will clear your path for future success.