Everyone who begins a skill-based hobby has one question: How long will it take me to be able to do this? For example, when you begin learning to play piano, it may take a few days to learn the basics. But if you want to be an expert pianist, it will take many years of practice.
Embroidery digitizing is similar in that it requires a significant time investment to become proficient at it. It’s not something that can be learned by reading a book or watching a video. Instead, embroidery digitizing is a process that is built through practice, trial and error, and the development of an understanding of the limitations and capabilities of the machine and thread.
Stitching the Future: Trends and Innovations in Embroidery Digitizing
The first step in digitizing a design is to create a stitch list and determine the stitches used in the final result. A digitizer must also consider the final size of the design, which may be a different dimension than the original image file. Additionally, digitizers must analyze the artwork to make sure it will translate well to embroidery.
Once the embroidery file has been digitized, it is ready to be sent to the embroidery machine. The machine will use the stitch list and the embroidery files to embroider the design on the garment. A quick test run is often done to check the quality of the embroidery and to make sure everything is in order.
The cost of embroidery digitizing software can be expensive, and some businesses prefer to outsource their digitizing needs. One popular option is the software from Ricoma, which offers three feature-packed tiers: Inspire ($599), Plus ($1299), and Luxe ($1,999). The program has a robust help system and offers an online webinar series with end-to-end instructions.