Boric acid is a white crystalline chemical product that acts as an antiviral and antifungal agent. It is used to treat infections such as wounds and yeast infections.
Does boric acid make you wet?
In addition to acting as an antiseptic, it also balances the pH of the vagina and reduces symptoms of yeast infections. Yeast infections are common and affect both men and women. They are caused by fungi that live in the vagina and are commonly called candidiasis.
Treatment for yeast infection
Can boric acid cause bleeding? The CDC recommends using boric acid vaginal suppositories to treat recurrent yeast infections of the vagina, which are known as candidal vulvovaginitis (BV). These suppositories contain 600 milligrams of boric acid and should be placed in the vagina nightly before bed for two weeks or as prescribed by your health care provider.
If you have a heavy vaginal bleeding while treating BV with boric acid, you should immediately seek medical help from your nearest gynecologist. You may need to use a vaginal antibiotic to stop the hemorrhaging and prevent other complications.
Overdose of boric acid can cause serious damage to your esophagus and stomach. The chemical can also damage other organs, causing problems in your chest and abdominal cavities.
Children shouldn’t use boric acid because they often have different behaviors than adults that can make it more likely for them to be exposed to it. In addition, children often put their hands in their mouths when they are playing.